Head of IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Lecturer media computer science and information processing
- Basic systems of information processing BSI 1 and BSI II - BA Media informatics / Information processing DH
- Algorithms and logic I and Algorithms and logic II - MA Digitalisation Law
- Advanced Web Basics - IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Tools and Methods in DH -IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Digital Objects - IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Special Interests
A multi-layered representation of trust in digital spaces as well as a new idea and technical realisation of trust management for digital objects is one of my special interests. This includes research and modeling of trust mechanisms in digital environments, including their representation in technical systems, as well as the resulting challenges for researchers and academics in an emerging AI society.
Furthermore, I am interested in future-oriented methods in the field of agile and interdisciplinary academic teaching and learning, also in digital spaces.
Professional Career
University of Cologne
- Since 04/2024 lecturer for the Institute of Public Law and Administration in the MA program Law of Digitalization.
- Since 10/2021 Cooperation partner of the Certificate: Law and Digitalisation of the Research Unit Law and Ethics of Digital Transformation.
- 01/2020 - 02/2021 Development of the IT -Certificate for teaching as part of a Tandem Stifterverband Fellowship for innovations in digital university teaching together with the ZfL Cologne.
- 02/2019 - 09/2019 Conception and realisation of the IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities for academic staff of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.
- Since 10/2008 responsible for the conception, implementation and teaching of the IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, as well as its consolidation and extension.
- 10/2017 - 06/2018 Acquisition of the additional qualification 'Professional Counselling' as part of the further education program “Advising students professionally”
- 10/2015 - 03/2018 Subject advisor and student advisor for the elective subject Media Computer Science of the joint degree program Media Cultural Studies, responsible for the organization of study programs and teaching
- Since 04/2003 Lecturer for Media Computer Science/Information Processing at the University of Cologne
Projects - Others
- 03/2021 - 01/2025 ARTEST project team member: Cooperation with Mongolian Universities to establish MA DH degree programs in Mongolia
- 03/2019 - 11/2022 Speaker of the lecture series 'Digital Sovereignty' of the Frauenberatung Wuppertal.
- 08/2006 - 12/2007
Project: PLANETS Long-term archiving and access through networked services.
Digital archiving in research and technology
Function: Project Coordinator - 06/2003 - 09/2004
Project: RETRO EVAL - Project to evaluate the national funding programme for retrospective digitisation.
Function: Project Coordinator - 06/2003 - 09/2003
Employer: Landesarchiv NRW Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf
Function: Development and realisation of a server for an online finding aid via KLEIO - 02/2003 - 05/2003
Project: E-Culture Net European Network of Centres of Excellence for Digital Culture Research and Education - 04/1989-09/1998: Pharmaceutical Technical Assistant in various pharmacies
Conference Papers
- The art museum in the digital age - 2025, Belvedere Vienna
- Conference series ‘Digital Library', 2024, Graz
- “Digital Humanities Mongolia 2024” International Conference, Mongolia
- #arthistoCast Special #3: NFDI4Culture Cultural Community Plenary 2024, panel discussion ‘Generative AI models and research data: Opportunities and Challenges’ https://doi.org/10.11588/heidicon/1738702
- DHd2024 #Quo Vadis DH, Passau
Leading and updating regularly the seminars (semester recurrent)
- Basic Systems of Information Processing -1- Userfrontend Development
- Basic Systems of Information Processing - 2 - App Development
focus on study-programs Media Computer Science and Informationsverarbeitung as well as
- summersemester recurrent lecture Algorithms and Logic I & II - MA Digitalisation Law
- semester recurrent various courses of IT-Certificate of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Advanced IT Basics, Advanced Web Basics, Tool & Methods in DH und Digital Object Processing ) for all students of the University.
- Winter semester 2017/18 conception and teaching of the seminar Social Bots: Pestilenz des 21. Jhds? together with Prof. Dr. Ø. Eide (focus on study-program Media Computer Science).
- Summer semester 2003 conception and teaching of the seminar System Analysis and Software Design (focus on study-program Informationsverarbeitung).
Vertrauen in die Wirklichkeit - AI, Trust und Reliability in den Digital Humanities
Susanne Kurz und Øyvind Eide
21. Februar 2024
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10698375 / Is part of Book: 10.5281/zenodo.10686564 (DOI) - Digital Humanities - Grundlagen und Technologien für die Praxis
Susanne Kurz
2. Aufl. 2016, XXVI, 313 S.
© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2016ISBN: 978-3-658-05793-0 (Onlineausgabe) 978-3-658-05792-3 (Druckausgabe)
→ als E-Book oder gedrucktes Werk verfügbar. - Digital Humanities - Grundlagen und Technologien für die Praxis
Susanne Kurz
XXVII, 292 S. © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015
ISBN: 978-3-658-05793-0 (Onlineausgabe) 978-3-658-05792-3 (Druckausgabe)
- Evaluierung des bisherigen Verlaufs des Förderschwerpunktes "Retrospektive Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbeständen" ,
in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3, [2006-12-03],
URL: www.zeitenblicke.de/2006/3/Kurz/index_html URN: urn:nbn:de:0009-9-6556
- 10/1998-01/2003: Study of Information Processing (Digital Humanities), Sociology and Philosophy
Institution: University at Cologne
Certificate: Magistra Artium; MA thesis: Data mining in www-based statistics archives based on a Java client-server architecture
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Thaller